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Hungarian Hebrew Studies Conference


The conference of the Hungarian Hebrew Studies Society

OR-ZSE, Budapest, 7 February 2023 (online)

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Introduction Call for papers Deadlines
and programme
Submission Contact and
József Schweitzer

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The Hungarian Hebrew Studies Society continues its tradition of organizing the Hungarian Hebrew Studies Conference. This one-day-long yearly meeting will take place this time on 7 February 2023, again in an online format. Our conference series commemorates the founding president of our Society, Prof dr. József Schweitzer (1922–2015), former Chief Rabbi of Hungary and director of the Rabbinical Seminary.

The Hungarian Hebrew Studies Conference has set a twofold goal. First, it provides a forum where members of the Hungarian Hebrew Studies Society, and in general, scholars of Hebrew Studies in Hungary and abroad can encounter each other, reflect upon each other’s research, and build scholarly networks. Second, we also aim at enhancing the communication between Hebrew studies and related disciplines.

The topic of a presentation may cover any subfield of Hebrew studies, including among others: the Hebrew Bible and its historical, archaeological, cultural and religious context, the Hellenistic and Roman period, Qumran and early Judaism, rabbinical and medieval Jewish literature, Jewish history, social history, cultural history, history of religion, and so forth. Welcome are works employing historical, social scientific, philosophical, ethnographic and anthropological, literary, linguistic and translations studies methodologies, as well. However, theological discussions related to any particular confession, independently of their scholarly worth, fall outside the scope of the Hungarian Hebrew Studies Conference.

The abstract submission deadline this year is 18 December 22 December 2022. For more details, please refer to the call-for-papers on this page.

Given the online format this year, entrance to the conference requires pre-conference registration. Please stay tuned for further details.

We are looking forward to the participation of our colleagues. We are also soliciting their help in encouraging their undergraduate, graduate and doctorate students to present a talk or a poster at the Hungarian Hebrew Studies Conference.